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What is Intensity, Acidity, and Bitterness?Updated 15 days ago

These three taste indicators of coffee can guide you in choosing the perfect coffee according to your preferences.

Intensity refers to the degree of character and taste strength of the coffee, as well as how long it stays on the palate. A more intense coffee will generally be more persistent and less subdued in a milk-based beverage.

Often confused, bitterness and acidity are actually on opposite ends of the taste spectrum. Acidity is perceived in the lower jaw, with a lively and crisp sensation. This can be experienced, for example, when you drink lemon juice and make a face. Bitterness, on the other hand, comes second and is perceived at the back of the palate and throat. It is also more persistent and lingers longer. When we bite into dark chocolate, it is the bitterness that we taste. Thus, a fruitier coffee will generally be more acidic, while a chocolaty coffee will be more bitter.

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